The providences of God are often dark and mysterious!
The providences of God are often dark and mysterious!
"Your way is in the sea--and Your path is in the great waters. Your footsteps may not be known." Psalm 77:19
The providences of God are often dark and mysterious. It is not easy to ascertain why the Lord acts as He does--or to find out the precise object which He has in view. He carries on His work according to His eternal and pre-ordained plan--and He accomplishes His purposes often by the most unlikely means. He works all things after the counsel of His own will--and He works leisurely, having no cause to hurry. We are naturally hasty, and want to know what God means at once. But He says, "Be still. Wait. Watch. Let patience have her perfect work."
We may not be able to account for our trials, troubles, losses, and crosses--but all will be made plain by-and-by. "Jesus said to him: You do not understand now what I am doing--but you will understand later on." John 13:7
We now know in part--but we shall soon know even as also we are known. And until then, we may well be patient--assured that God is acting wisely, lovingly, and is consulting our good in all that He does.
O wonder-working God, Your dealings with us are often dark, and difficult to be understood! Give us faith to believe Your promises--when we cannot understand Your providences. Let us be assured of Your love to us--when we cannot ascertain the design of Your dealings with us. Preserve us from a repining, complaining, and unbelieving spirit--and grant us grace that we may rest satisfied that You are acting rightly. May we learn, in whatever state we are--therewith to be content. With patience may we do and suffer Your will at present--being fully assured that all will be explained and opened up to us at length. O to be enabled . . .
to rest on Your covenant love,
to trust Your faithful promises, and
to commit all of our ways unto You!
"All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth--to such as keep His covenant and His testimonies!" Psalm 25:10
Another great post dear brother!