“The Glory of Christ: A Christology”

“The Glory of Christ: A Christology”


INTRODUCTION. The centrality of Jesus Christ.

I.          The Eternal Glory of Christ--“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . . . „Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born

[came into being], I AM‟” (John 1:1; 8:58). The pre-existence, essential deity, and OT appearances of Jesus Christ.

DOCTRINE: “The Lord Jesus Christ existed from eternity, as a distinct Person in the

Godhead; that previous to His assumption of our nature, He dwelt in a state of divine and ineffable glory, the fountain of life, light, and happiness to all” (Winslow, 3-4).

A.   The Pre-Existence of Christ—His “Original” Glory.
1.         The NATURE of this Glory.
2.         The WITNESS to this Glory.
3.         The CONDITION of this Glory.

Applications of this Glory.

B.        The Deity of Christ—His Essential Glory.
1.         The NATURE of this Glory.
2.         The EVIDENCE for this Glory.
a.         The Divine Names Christ Receives.
b.        The Divine Attributes Christ Possesses.
c.         The Divine Works Christ Performs.
d.        The Divine Worship Christ Receives.
e.         The Divine Claims Christ Makes.
f.          Indirect Evidences.

Applications of this Glory.

II.        The Eclipsed Glory of Christ—“[He] emptied Himself, taking the form of a bondservant, and being made in the likeness of men . . . He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Phil. 2:7-8). The incarnation, unique constitution, and work of Jesus Christ.

DOCTRINE: “Jesus’ divine and essential glory was veiled in His assumption of our nature, yet He manifested His glory in submission to the Father for the salvation of His people.”

A.   The Incarnation of Christ—the Glory of His Infinite Condescension.
1.         The NATURE of His Condescension.
2.         The SIGNIFICANCE of His Condescension.
3.         The PURPOSES of His Condescension.
a.         To Save Sinners by His Life and Death.
b.        To Share with Sinners His Life.
c.         To Sympathize with Sinners.

d.        To Show Sinners the Pattern of Godliness.

e.         To Sanctify Our Humanity Forever.
f.          To Show Men God in the Flesh.

Applications of this Glory.

B.        The Virgin Birth of Christ—the Glory of His Miraculous Conception.
1.         The NATURE of His Conception.

2.         The SUPPORT of His Conception.
3.         The SIGNIFICANCE of His Conception.

Applications of this Glory.

C.        The Humanity of Christ—the Glory of His Humble Appearing.
1.         The NATURE of His Humanity.

2.         The EVIDENCE for His Humanity.
3.         The UNIQUENESS of His Humanity.

Applications of this Glory.

D.       The Person of Christ—the Glory of His Unique Constitution.
1.         The DESCRIPTION of this Constitution.

2.         The DEMONSTRATION of this Constitution.
3.         The CONSEQUENCES of this Constitution.

Applications of this Glory.

E.        The Life-Work of Christ—the Glory of His Earthly Consecration.
1.         The CHARACTER of His Consecration.
2.         The CONTENT of His Consecration.
a.         He Came to Preach the Gospel.
b.        He Came to Shepherd Israel.
c.         He Came to Cast Strife.
d.        He Came to Ignite Division.
e.         He Came to Fulfill the Law.
f.          He Came to Call Sinners.
g.        He Came to Save the Lost.
h.        He Came to Give His Life.

Applications of this Glory.

F.         The Cross-Work (the Death) of Christ—the Glory of His Substitutionary Crucifixion.
1.         The IMPORTANCE of this Death.
2.         The NATURE of this Death—Suffering and Separation.
3.         The MEANING of this Death—a Glorious Act of Obedience.
a.         An Obedient Work of Sacrifice.
b.        An Obedient Work of Propitiation.
c.         An Obedient Work of Reconciliation.
d.        An Obedient Work of Redemption.
e.         An Obedient Work of Conquest.
4.         The MOTIVATION of this Death.

5.         The NECESSITY of this Death.

6.         The DESIGN of this Death.
7.         The FINALITY of this Death.
8.         The ACHIEVEMENTS of this Death.

Applications of this Glory.

G.       The Burial of Christ—the Glory of His Final Abasement. Applications of this Glory.

III.     The Exalted Glory of Christ—“[W]e do see Him who has been made for a little while lower than the angels, namely, Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor . . .” (Heb. 2:9). The resurrection, ascension, and heavenly session of Jesus Christ.

DOCTRINE: “Having endured the cross Jesus Christ has taken His place of sovereignty and honor at the right hand of the Majesty on high” (McDonald, 131). Primarily the glory of His exaltation consists “in the exaltation of His human nature, as subsisting in the divine person, above the whole creation of God in power, dignity, authority, and rule” (Owen, I,


A.       The Resurrection of Christ—His Raising to Glory.
1.         The IMPORTANCE of His Raising.
2.         The NATURE of His Raising.
3.         The WITNESS of His Raising.
4.         The SIGNIFICANCE of His Raising.

Applications of this Glory.

B.        The Ascension of Christ—His Return to Glory.
1.         The FACT of His Return.

2.         The NATURE of His Return.
3.         The SIGNIFICANCE of His Return.

Applications of this Glory.

C.        The Heavenly Session of Christ—His Reigning in Glory.
1.         The FACT of His Exaltation in Glory.
2.         The NATURE of His Exaltation in Glory.

3.         The CONDITION of His Exaltation in Glory.
4.         The VOCATION of His Exaltation in Glory.
a.         Communication of His Grace by the Spirit (His Supply).
b.        Representation and Intercession (His Sympathy).
c.         Rule and Preservation (His Sovereignty).
d.        Preparation (His Settlement).

Applications of this Glory.

IV.  The Eschatological Glory of Christ--“So Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, shall appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to

those who eagerly await Him” (Heb. 9:28). The return and consummation of all things and summation of all things under Jesus Christ.

DOCTRINE: Jesus Christ shall certainly return in majestic and mighty glory to recover and reward His people, restore the cosmos, rout the wicked, reign unrivaled forever in righteousness, and receive the adoration of the nations.

A.       The CERTAINTY of the Revelation of this Glory.

B.       The CHARACTER of the Revelation of this Glory.

C.        The CONSEQUENCES of the Revelation of this Glory.
1.         A Glorious Resurrection and Reunion.
2.         A Glorious Renovation and Restoration.
3.         A Glorious Retribution and Reward.
4.         A Glorious Reign and Recapitulation.
5.         A Glorious Reception of Worship.

Applications of this Glory.

CONCLUSION. The uniqueness and ultimacy of Jesus Christ. There is no one like Him and there is no one above Him.


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