Problem of Suffering and the Bible
The Problem of a Suffering Christian "Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities!" Romans 8:26 A child of God — oppressed, suffering sorely, often driven to his wit's end — what a strange thing! A joint-heir with Christ — financially embarrassed, poor in this world's goods, wondering where his next meal is coming from — what an anomaly! An object of the Father's everlasting love and distinguishing favor — tossed up and down upon a sea of trouble, with every apparent prospect of his frail bark capsizing — what a perplexity! One who has been regenerated and is now indwelt by the Holy Spirit — daily harassed by Satan, and frequently overcome by indwelling sin — what an enigma! Loved by the Father, redeemed by the Son, indwelt by the Holy Spirit — yet left in this world year after year . . . to suffer affliction and persecution, to mourn and groan over innumerable failures, to encounter one trial after another, ...